
Curated insights for front-end developers. Learn from the best!

May 2024

A word of advice for all professional software developers: don't get overly creative when choosing the architecture for your new project. Addy Osmani argues that it's best to use proven solutions by default and incorporate new technologies only when they add real value for the customer.

ES Modules have been supported by all major browsers since 2019. However, if you spend most of your development time working with frameworks, you might be unaware of their presence. Discover how much can be achieved with native JS modules and explore the role of module bundlers when bundling can be handled by the browser itself.

March 2024

A comprehensive guide to the world of modern CSS-in-JS solutions. What's the right choice for your case - CSS Modules, Styled Components, Emotion...? The list goes on. Here's something that can help you make an informed decision by describing the differences in how different libraries tackle the problem at hand. The authors explain the techniques used in modern CSS-in-JS libraries, their impact on Core Web Vitals, and how different libraries approach dev experience.

Quick intro to CSS variables, and an interesting opinion about why you should consider the benefits CSS variables might give you. Backed by a non-trivial, real-life example. Did you know that CSS variables can be unitless? Or that you can set them in inline styles too? You'll find that and more examples of CSS variables superpowers in this short article.

January 2024

Learn about the two most popular Git workflows. The author does not assume the superiority of one approach over another but rather explains pros and cons of each one, and helps us figure out which approach better suits our project.

December 2023

Angular 16 introduced a new route guard - CanMatch. Get to know its power by using it to implement feature flags! Plus, check the article for some nice examples of custom structural directives.

November 2023

Do you seek to learn RxJS, but find the concept of reactive programming challenging? This article serves as an excellent starting point. Staltz brilliantly explains core reactive principles. Despite using an older RxJS version in the illustrative code snippets, the article is still a valuable read.